AB Votes/Funding for Windows PV Drivers subproject

From Xen


I have a proposal from Citrix to create a new Xen Project subproject to host the Xen Windows PV Drivers. Matt Wilson from AWS volunteered to sponsor the proposal.

According to http://xenproject.org/governance.html I need to ask for Advisory Board approval, if there is a financial impact before I put the proposal up for a community vote.

In this case there is a minor financial impact:

  • A build VM hosted with sufficient storage at a cloud provider: we can either use AWS credits, the existing comp’ed Rackspace account we use for most of the Xen project website, or something similar from Google or Verizon
  • A license for MS Visual Studio (approx. $1000) for the build environment

Motion.jpg Vote|Motion:  As for the license MS Visual Studio, I propose to use the budget from item "2014.1e: Face-2-face meetings” where we have an unused position of $3000 in Q1 (and a total of $6000 for the year) as we had no face-2-face board meetings planned in Q1 and Q2.

If you agree, please vote “+1” by May 14th. If you disagree, please vote “-1 with explanation” To abstain, please “vote 0”

The vote was carried (7 votes were needed)


  • Rackspace: +1
  • Citrix: +1
  • Oracle: +1
  • CA: +1
  • Intel: +1
  • AWS: +1
  • Bromium: +1