Creating a LVM backed XFS SR

From Xen
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LVM-backed XFS SR

These instructions were fist tested on a Kubuntu 11.10 system, but should work with any Ubuntu/Debian Kronos-based system to create an LVM-backed XFS SR

The following is what was required:

Install lvm2 and xfstools.

apt-get install lvm2 xfstools

Create a logical volume

(If you need help in doing this, there are many tutorials for LVM on the net) ( see [1] )

Then you must copy the

(Get here)

cp /usr/lib/xcp/sm/

Create a symlink to XFSSR

cd /usr/lib/xcp/sm/
ln -s XFSSR

Once the logical volume is created, restart xapi

service xcp-xapi restart

To create the SR, run

SR=`xe sr-create type=xfs device-config:device=/dev/mapper/test-builder name-label=xfs`

Change '/dev/mapper/test-builder' to your lvm device to match your system

After that is done, you'll be able to use the XFS LVM filesystem as the default SR
