FuSa SIG/Contributing

From Xen

Join the FuSa SIG meetings to participate in safety improvements for Xen.

In this page we can find a list of small items for newcomers and seasoned contributors alike to improve Xen safety compliance. The development items below are for the hypervisor (| xen subdirectory).

Please send fixes to the | xen-devel list following the Xen contribution process. For instance, see | this example.


There is an effort in progress to align Xen with MISRA C coding guidelines. A few MISRA C rules are already officially part of the Xen coding style, they are available here: rules.rst

You can scan the Xen code for violations of this set of MISRA C rules using *cppcheck*.

Your help to reduce MISRA C violations in Xen is very welcome!


SPDX is an open standard for communicating software bill of material information, such as the license of a source file. It consists of a single line comment at the top of the file with licensing information, for example:

 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0

Xen wants to be SPDX compliant. Please help! Xen is GPLv2, licensing information available here.


Xen Project is using Gitlab-CI to test individual hypervisor features. See the existing tests under automation:

Please add new tests for any features that you see missing. For instance Boot Time Cpupools.