AB Meeting/June 2014 Minutes

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  • Larry Wikelius (Cavium)
  • James Bulpin, Mark Hinkle (Citrix)
  • Don D Dugger (Intel)
  • Antony Messerli (Rackspace)
  • Konrad R Wilk, Daniel Kiper (Oracle)
  • Ian Pratt (Bromium)
  • Michelle P Dominijanni (Verizon / Terremark)
  • Brian Warner, Sarah Conway (Linux Foundation)


Action Updates

Xen + Libvirt support

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Lars: Lars to send report from Hackathon discussion next week to help scope put scale of issue

For details of gaps, see http://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2014-06/msg00106.html

Summarized, we are talking about the following gaps for libvirt + xen via libxl (xl)

  1. Live migration
  2. libxl has no support for task cancellation, which is something we need for good xen integration
  3. some improvements to machine types (some probably need to go into libvirt-qemu library)
  4. improved support for consoles (e.g. Serial, VNC, SPICE, …)
  5. quality and testing (note that the Xen Project OSSTest harness is running some limited libvirt tests)
  6. usability and bugs (e.g. default networking types, iSCSI support, error reporting and handling is inconsistent)

For OpenStack in particular, gaps are listed in https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/HypervisorSupportMatrix - Some of these would probably go away once issues / gaps above are fixed. Generally the gap does not look huge (with the exception of some gaps such as Live Migration) but are a collection of smaller issues that add up.

Lars: raised the question on whether there is scope to include xen+libvirt+openstack testing into automated Xen Project Test Framework

Don: not against it - but need to check bandwidth and required capacity (how many machines)

Konrad: thinks this is a great idea

James: thinks it is a good idea

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Lars: Find out capacity and machine needs. Note: see https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/libvirt+xen_testing – waiting for info from SUSE


Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Lars: Check with Brian whether there any accounting constraints carrying over approved budget into following year

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Brian: Send account overview and information to Lars


Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Sarah: Sarah to send questions to Michelle

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Michelle from Verizon: Follow up internally within Verizon as to who the right person to participate in Xen Project positioning survey for Analyst meeting

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Sarah: Sarah to ring Kevin Clark

Propose to Close

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action All: vendors interested in participating in Xen Project positioning survey for Analyst meeting to get back to Sarah

Interviews conducted with AMD, Cavium, Citrix, Intel, Oracle, Rackspace Interviews open: ARM (Lars followed up with Phillipe), Verizon


Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Sarah: Send list of questions for Xen Project positioning to list

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Lars: Come up with a better proposal – see “Xen Project Provisional Budget for 2014 v4 - May20 Update.xls”

Face-2-face meeting on August 20th

Who would attend? Confirmations so far: Citrix (Lars, James before 3PM, Mark), Google (Guido), Intel (Don Dugger), Oracle (Daniel, Konrad depending on timing)

Adding: Larry, Michelle, Brian, Sarah Maybe: Ian, Antony

What’s the best time? AM (conflicts with Dev Meeting) or PM – PM will make dialling in people from Asia (Intel) and Europe (ARM)

Agreement on early PM (12:00 - 14:00 ish)

Approvals - Budget and Trademark Related

Board meeting and Developer Meeting

Required: USD $1350 for room and speaker phone
See line #6 of attached budget
Proposal to use “2014.1e Face-2-face meetings” of which there are USD $2000 remaining


Travel Stipend for Washington University in St. Louis to speak at the summit (attached updated budget spreadsheet)

Topic up-streaming Real-Time support into the Hypervisor
Required: USD $1250 for hotel and flights
See line #24 of attached budget
Proposal to use “2014.5e Slush Fund for Xen Project Developer Events” of which there are USD $ 2800 remaining


ARM Xen Project Sticker

ARM are looking at creating some stickers to hand out at events. As this is trademark related (AB domain) and we have not had a precedent we need to discuss



The Xen Project XAPI subproject would like a visual identity for the XAPI project for their 2.0 release, web pages, etc. After a community discussion we came up with the following mock-up

Again, this needs to be discussed as it is trademark related and we have no precedence


Agreed, if there is no trademark issue

Don: Doesn't see an issue

Mark: Raised the question whether this would dilute the Xen project brand

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Brian: check with LF legal whether this would dilute the strength of the Xen Project TM Template:Done There is no issue, however Citrix needs to confirm that this would not cause an issue for the Citrix Xen mark

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Lars: follow up with Citrix legal

Xen Project Style Guide (attached – taken Matt Wilsons and Richard Phelan’s feedback into account)

See attached PDF document



What trademark related items do I need to get approval for in future?

Don: yes

Brian: style guide contains elements related to the logo (may help the volume)

Agreement: run past AB for now and observe whether the volume increases and then update style guide

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Brian: send example to Lars

OpenMAMA: http://www.openmama.org/what-is-openmama/additional/style-guide

Tizen: https://www.tizen.org/about/tizen-brand-guidelines

OpenDaylight: http://www.opendaylight.org/sites/www.opendaylight.org/files/pages/pdfs/opendaylight_brand_identity_guidelines.pdf


Analyst Meeting and Media (Sarah)

Sarah: Analyst Meeting

  • Completed 7 AB member interviews
  • Brian reviewing (25 pages) a deck and send it out after initial review
  • Try and arrange analyst meeting before OSCON (in person and phone)
  • Need to line up spokespeople

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Sarah: Send out deck and follow-up

Sarah: LinuxCon / Media

  • Xen Dev Summit : take advantage of board members being present ... a series of short video interviews. Can use for pitching to reporters, can use on website
  • Can also be written testimonials

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action All: get back to Sarah

Larry: it's a continual emphasize on the messaging

Lars: the interviewing series was an extremely good exercise, as it is helping to get Xen Project messaging in place

Upcoming releases (Lars)

  • Mirage OS 2.0 (date for OSCON proposed, July 20-24)

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Sarah: follow up with Amir and Anil (arrange a call)

  • XAPI 2.0 (date TBD - late Aug/beg of Sept)

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Lars: follow up on dates

Update on Subproject Proposals (Lars)

Sarah: interesting from a PR perspective, could have a momentum press release

Larry: good for Messaging and Celebrating progress

Brian: need to own that message to avoid confusion

Test Framework WG (Lars)

  • Have two initial COLO and admin-support costing proposals, but need to create power budget to refine costs
  • Actions to create power budget, refine two COLO costing proposals and spec out procurement proposals for Hardware

COLO & Remus

Lars working with Intel, Fujitsu and maintainers on unblocking Remus and COLO High Availability patches for Xen Project hypervisor 4.5 which have been stuck due to review bottlenecks