Archive/XCP DRBD
DRBD provides HA for block level devices, essentially allowing the possibility of a replicated SR across multiple XCP instances.
Linbit provides a full install guide here:
The only modification needed for XCP is the RPMs to be installed need to be those created specifically for XCP, with further directions below.
Source Build
Install the build tools
sed -i -e "s/enabled=0/enabled=1/" /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo sed -i -e "s/enabled=1/enabled=0/" /etc/yum.repos.d/Citrix.repo yum install gcc flex rpm-build redhat-rpm-config make libxslt
Install the kernel development package from the XCP 1.5 binary packages ISO
rpm -i kernel-xen-devel- #might need to put this somewhere else and remote mount it via nfs wget mount -o loop binpkg.iso /mnt cd /mnt/domain0/RPMS/i686 rpm -i kernel-xen-devel-
Download and build DRBD
mkdir /drbd/ cd /drbd/ wget tar zxvf drbd-8.4.1.tar.gz cd drbd-8.4.1 ./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc --with-km make tgz cp drbd*.tar.gz `rpm -E %_sourcedir` rpmbuild -bb drbd.spec rpmbuild -bb drbd-km.spec
You now have RPMs in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/drbd
XCP 1.5 Beta
Locatrix Communications has provided a repository with the 8.4.1 RPMs pre-built for XCP 1.5 Beta: