Talk:Setting boot order for domUs

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Revision as of 16:00, 28 June 2014 by Florianheigl (talk | contribs)
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PV guests don't run in an fully emulated environment like HVM guests. As a consequence they cannot boot from the network (pxeboot) or from a cdrom. They can however boot from a user provided kernel or from one of the kernels installed in the VM disk image.

I think that should be discussed. Is not true, pygrub can boot off some isos since a few years, proivded you place them in the first line of the disk list. also, pypxeboot as used i.e. in OVM could do this since 2008ish.

If it's not longer supported, please write that instead of such incorrect info. As it is it's extremely frustrating.

Also, could we please avoid statements as "Otherwise you can write yourself a simple wrapper script that" "You just need to" "Trivial"

If it's so easy, it should be properly integrated into Xen. It's not there because it's not a simple thing.