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Revision as of 14:03, 15 June 2012

Upcoming Meetings

  • Maintainer, Committer and Developer Meeting meeting just before XenSummit NA 2012
  • The Xen.org chairman, Project Leads of mature projects, Xen.org community managers, Committers and Maintainers from vendors contributing more than 3% of code to Xen projects (in terms of changesets or code churn) are invited to a monthly conference call. Others can request to join by contacting the xen.org community m anager: this would be voted on by existing attendees. The calls started in March 2012: we decided to keep these small intially to see how they would work and expand afterwards. The purpose of these calls is to discuss technical issues, large contribution, co-ordinate contributions, work on roadmaps, etc.

Meeting Minutes

In the May 2012 call, a vote was held to start publishing meeting minutes. Meeting minutes will be published in this section.