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From the OpenStack Documentation:

"The OpenStack Open Source Cloud Mission: to produce the ubiquitous Open Source Cloud Computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private clouds regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable."


The OpenStack documentation reads:

"The recommended way to use Xen with OpenStack is through the XenAPI driver. To enable the XenAPI driver, add the following configuration options /etc/nova/nova.conf and restart the nova-compute service:"

compute_driver = xenapi.XenAPIDriver
xenapi_connection_url = http://your_xenapi_management_ip_address
xenapi_connection_username = root
xenapi_connection_password = your_password

"These connection details are used by the OpenStack Compute service to contact your hypervisor and are the same details you use to connect XenCenter, the XenServer management console, to your XenServer or XCP box."


The OpenStack documentation reads:

It is possible to manage Xen using libvirt, though this is not well-tested or supported. To experiment using Xen through libvirt add the following configuration options /etc/nova/nova.conf:

compute_driver = libvirt.LibvirtDriver
virt_type = xen