This book was originally contributed by Mohsen Mostafa Jokar (see e-mail thread that includes a PDF) with the intention to become a book that others can contribute to and evolve over time.
Converting chapters
For instructions on how to convert chapters from DOC file to this wiki, check out Book/HelloXenProject/Instructions_for_Conversion. It takes 1-3 hours to convert a chapter. Any help from community members is highly appreciated.
Adding new chapters
Over time, you may want to add new chapters. If you do so and you want to create a chapter that fits between say chapter 1 and 2, then add chapter 1a, 1b, etc.
Book/HelloXenProject/1-Chapter Book/HelloXenProject/1a-Chapter (this would be the chapter you are adding) Book/HelloXenProject/2-Chapter
This will help ensure they stay in alphabetical order. You will also have to update Book/HelloXenProject/0-Contents and Subsequent_Contributions
Pages in category "HelloXenProjectBook"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.
- Book/HelloXenProject/0-Contents
- Book/HelloXenProject/0-Credits and Title
- Book/HelloXenProject/1-Chapter
- Book/HelloXenProject/2-Chapter
- Book/HelloXenProject/3-Chapter
- Book/HelloXenProject/4-Chapter
- Book/HelloXenProject/5-Chapter
- Book/HelloXenProject/Instructions for Improvement
- Book/HelloXenProject/Reference