AB Meeting/January 2015 Minutes

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  • Lars Kurth (chair)
  • Laura Kempke (LF)
  • Sarah Conway (LF)
  • Mike Woster (LF)
  • Larry Wikelius (Cavium)
  • James Bulpin, Mark Hinkle (Citrix)
  • Daniel K (Oracle)
  • Jun Nakajima (Intel)
  • Antony Messerli (Rackspace)
  • Guido Trotter (Google)
  • Philippe Robin (ARM)
  • Chris Schlaeger (Amazon Web Services)
  • Sherry Hurwitz (AMD)



Introductions (Laura, Mike)

  • Laura Kempke, Vice President of Collaborative Projects Operations and Marketing.

Laura runs Operations & Marketing for Collaborative Projects at the LF : will be joining the call going forward as primary resource.

Goal: help streamline services.

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Laura: send Lars contact details; set up a face-2-face at CollabSummit

Planning (Lars)

AR & PR (Sarah)

  • Goal: 2-3 press releases per quarter to keep momentum going
  • Increase Linux.com contributions
  • Messaging: Focus on unikernel, containers, security, etc.- see XenProjectPRPlan2015 for a draft plan. We also call this the "innovation" narrative
  • Get more strategic around narrative at key events to keep up media momentum. Part of the goal is re-use of content on different channels (e.g. at CollabSummit, create materials that can be used at the Xen on booth, etc)
  • Case studies: open opportunities there – openstack super user type content. Cloud users, Mirage users, users of experimental features, etc.
  • We would try and feature case study content on Linux.com, Xen Blog as well as vendor blogs
  • Analyst: get more systematic and nominate a spokesperson

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Sarah: to share document and provide success metrics

OpenStack (Lars)

  • LARRY: NFV – OpenNFV project and group which is part of the Linux Foundation. Should we be more creative? Should we try to hook into sessions at the CollabSummit.
  • LARS: The number one issue we have to today is with the quality of the Xen integration. I would like to focus on improving this first and not raise expectations that can't be fulfilled
ASIDE: Having talked to Bob Ball, it seems feasible that we should be able to get into Quality Group B with Xen+Libvirt for the Kilo release in May 2015
  • LARS: Status – Anthony Perard (Citrix) has fixed all issues that prevent OpenStack tests from failing. The next step is to set up the CI loop.
  • LARS: In essence we need to run the CI loop (using nested virt) initially at one cloud provider (to get to group B) and two cloud providers to get to group A. I am not exactly sure what the costs are, but a rough estimate was 20-25 VMs that we either would have to fund or a vendor would volunteer to provide it.
  • ANTONY: last summer I was talking to Bob Ball (Citrix) to get Xen + Libvirt going again.
  • LARS: I was aware of this effort, but the problem at the time was that no-one would step up to lead such an effort, so it didn't go anywhere. I was hoping that Suse or Oracle would step up. I believe this is now fixed, as I can lead such an effort, but of course I would prefer if someone else would step up and get engaged.

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Lars: Lars follow up on details with Bob Ball

  • ANTONY: There is not really going a lot going on around Xen in OpenStack. Definitely should try and get that going.
  • ANTONY: On the Cost of CI loop: 20-25 VM’s – Bob used Rackspace for XenServer and he should know more. I can check whether Rackspace would be able to donate some capacity to the project.

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Antony: ask whether Rackspace could donate some capacity for the CI loop.

  • ANTONY: 20-25 seems to be a lot. Tests only runs on commits.

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Lars: Anthony, Bob & Lars to sync off-line and verify assumptions meeting set up for Jan 28th, including Konrad R Wilk

Developers (Lars)

  • Lars asked whether anyone employed a GSoC or OPW student that was working on Xen in 2014
  • James, yes Citrix
  • Chris, yes AWS
  • Lars believes Oracle too, but was not quite sure
  • Lars: Should we continue to fund OPW positions going forward?
  • Mark: We should continue doing it
  • Guido: GSoC, comes out of Google's budget – so there is no real cost. There are indirect network effects that are positive for the project also.
  • Lars: Fully agrees - there is no question that we would not participate in GSoC when accepted

Test and Quality (Lars)

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Lars: defer success metrics to test wg for a more concrete proposal


Motion.jpg RESOLUTION:  Approved Budget & Plan Carried - no objections

PR Update (Sarah)

We have done some of this as part of the above item


  • Member Status, Payments, … (Linux Foundation)

Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Mike: send revised contracts for STARTUP class to Ian Pratt (Bromium)
Pictogram voting comment 15px.png Action Mike: to ping Applied Micro

Did not manage to get to this point

  • Xen Project Hackathon (Q2 hosted by Intel in Shanghai)
  • I have been approached by the Open Invention Network about getting the Xen project into OIN – it is not quite clear to me whether this makes sense