From Xen
Dario Faggioli
I did my PhD at RETIS Lab, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, in Pisa (Italy). During it, I worked on real-time scheduling within the Linux kernel, and got the chance to show what I was doing at the 2010 Linux Kernel Summit. I'm currently employed by SUSE, working on the Xen-Project, and on other virtualization technologies.
More on me here.
Contact Informations
- e-mail: <dfaggioli_AT_suse_DOT_com>, <raistlin_AT_linux_DOT_it>;
- GnuPG Key: A5B873EE, fingerprint 4B9B 2C3A 3DD5 86BD 163E 738B 1642 7889 A5B8 73EE;
- IRC: dariof on OFTC and Freenode.